Nonprofit dedicated to creativity, wellness, and community…
…supporting writers, artists,
musicians, filmmakers, performers,
healers, and educators.
E Komo Mai means Welcome in Hawaiian…
Nature and Imagination:

Hazelmoon’s Hawaiian Tarot
- Nonprofit: philanthropy organization dedicated to creativity, wellness, and community
- Philosophy: cultivating deep respect for natural world and nurturing active imaginations
- Scope: supporting literature, visual art, film, music, humor, education, and healing arts
- Venues: print, web, live performance, classes, workshops, retreats, and festivals
- Recent publication: Hānau: Birth, Transformation, and Possibility, a remarkable and surprising collection of inspirational poetry, prose, and artwork. Learn more…
- Current projects: Wise Secrets of Ho’oponopono book by Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim, Temple of Peace by Kedar St John… Learn more…